Leonardo: press release

The Board of Directors of Leonardo, convened today under the chairmanship of Luciano Carta, with regard to the individual resolution proposal submitted by the Shareholder Bluebell Partners Ltd. (25 shares) in view of the next Shareholders’ Meeting(the text of which is being published on the Company’s website), has expressed the following evaluations.
Whereas – under the mere profile of formal admissibility and, therefore, having verified exclusively the existence of the requirements for the submission of the proposal – said individual proposal, as formulated, is deemed admissible to the vote at the Shareholders’ Meeting in view of maximum transparency and to continue to ensure the widest exercise of Shareholders’ rights within the framework of the special regulations still in force, on the other hand, with regard to the contents of the aforementioned proposal, the Board of Directors has evaluated the groundlessness of the arguments put forward.
The Board of Directors has therefore expressed its unconditional disagreement with the objections raised by Bluebell with regard to the conduct allegedly attributed by the Shareholder to the Chief Executive Officer, also in terms of alleged prejudice caused to Leonardo, this both in light of the significant results achieved by the Company – especially with reference to the 2021 financial year in relation to which the Bluebell’s individual proposal would arise – and of the market’s appreciation of those results.
The Board of Directors has therefore confirmed that it unconditionally adheres and agrees with the management implemented by the Company’s Chief Executive Officer.