Good presence for Denel at Global Defence Show

Denel will showcase the quality and range of its defence and technology products at the coming IDEX 2023 aerospace and defence exhibition in Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates, the most important event of its kind in the Middle East.
“We want to demonstrate to the world that Denel is open for business,” says the interim Group CEO, Mike Kgobe. “The reputation of our products and services remains high among industry decision-makers and analysts and it will be reinforced by our presence in Abu Dhabi.
The International Defence Exhibition and Conference – IDEX 2023 – is a biennial event which hosts global aerospace and defence manufacturers and technology companies and is visited by decision-makers, industry leaders, analysts and the media from across the world.
This year’s event, hosted in the capital of the United Arab Emirates from 20 February, is expected to attract some 1 100 exhibitors from more than 50 countries. In 2021 IDEX was visited by more than 62 000 people, despite the limitations imposed by Covid-19.
“Denel will have a meaningful and catalytic presence at IDEX 2023,” says Kgobe. The focus will be on those technology areas on which the company has built and sustained its reputation – landward mobility and firepower inclusive of infantry and artillery systems, aerospace systems inclusive of unmanned aerial vehicle systems, guided weapons as well as test and evaluation capabilities and complex systems design, development and integration.
“The reputation of our products and services remains high in the global defence environment despite the setbacks caused by the years of state capture and weak corporate governance,” says Kgobe. Products such as the Rooivalk combat helicopter, and the G6 artillery system are still global leaders in the field and Denel is increasingly known for its integrated network capabilities such as the ground-based air defence systems – GBADS.
Kgobe says Denel’s participation will afford Denel an opportunity to share with key stakeholders the new Denel strategy and turnaround plan which is supported by the shareholder and government. Denel is progressing well with its bold steps of streamlining and refocusing its operations to build a sustainable business and return to profitability. It remains an innovative company with the ability to evolve and deliver world-class products across the spectrum of aerospace, defence and related technologies – from land to sea, to air, to the cyber and security environments.
“IDEX has been the premier exhibition of its kind in the Middle East and Northern Africa region for more than 30 years,” says Kgobe. “This is a significant platform for Denel to display and market its capabilities and to interact with the decision-makers who will be in Abu Dhabi for the show as well as an associated global conference on emerging technologies in the defence sector.”
Kgobe says Denel will use its presence at IDEX to restore strong relationships with customers and stakeholders, leverage smart partnerships and reconfirm the Denel brand in the global defence technology environment.
IDEX will also offer Denel the opportunity to acquaint itself with new trends in the technology sectors and explore new market opportunities for its products.
“Denel remains a valuable national asset,” says Kgobe. “We are open for business, and we can still leverage the superior quality of our product range and our exceptional service. Our presence at IDEX 2023 will confirm this.”